Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lewis Boat Winch

Posted by AK Dutch:

I've heard about using a chainsaw winch to pull your boat off a sandbar when stuck. I was looking for information on this setup. Does anybody have any suggestions to brand, availability in Fairbanks, size, cost? How big of one do I need to pull my XS off the beach?

In addition, what is the most popular type of anchor for river use, I have used a big Brucefor my AK Searunner, but that wouldn't work too good in the river I think.

Thanks, John

Posted by Mr. Pid:

I've owned and worn out two Rule winches. I got my money's worth from them, but my next winch will be a Lewis.

Put this baby on any heavy duty chainsaw you have (not a small homeowner model) and it will get the job done. I know guys that like capstan winches, but I wouldn't give you a nickel for one. I like steel cable and the ability to use pully blocks to increase the pull capacity.

Posted by Crumm:

Any other reason other than the ability of doubling the line with cable? I have never used a capstan other than the hand-powered rope along style but the continuous pull looks like a good feature on a gas powered unit.

Posted by Mr. Pid:

Because I don't trust rope. It abrades easily, it stretches, and it behaves differently when it's wet, let alone muddy. I'm not comfortable standing at the winch with any heavy load on the line, but I am more comfortable with cable. My winches have been multi-use tools. Dragging trees, pulling boats up the bank for winter, etc. I can't imagine pulling stumps with rope. I often use two snatch blocks with my winch and the cables about as tight as an A string on a guitar. And then I get to root around with an axe and a handyman jack while the winch line is loaded. No rope for this kid.

Also, I had to use my chainsaw winch to drag my Yamaha Viking (heavy) out of a deep hole I found when a snow bridge broke and I dropped into a creek (now very heavy). I wonder how a capstan winch would have worked pulling very wet rope in zero degree temperatures.

Not good I'd imagine!

Come to think of it, I've also used it to pull a skidplane out of overflow.

Yep, the've served me well.

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